Our President, Prof. Ernesto Benini has been nominated "Associate Fellow" by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
Our President, Prof. Ernesto Benini has been nominated "Associate Fellow" by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), the world's largest aerospace scientific and professional society.
Per AIAA's Constitution, Associate Fellows are individuals who have demonstrated significant accomplishments in engineering or scientific work, outstanding contributions to the fields of aeronautics or astronautics, or work of exceptional merit.
In the motivation for this achievement, AIAA Board cites “Dr. Benini’s major findings lie in the development of novel design techniques for aircraft gas turbine components, especially fans and compressors. His contribution to this field is outstanding and testifies a unique and continuous effort towards improving rigorousness in establishing a theoretical framework for multi-objective aerodynamic design optimization of compressor cascades and blades, with special focus on transonic flow regimes that are found in aircraft applications. He was one of the first scientists who demonstrated, back in early 2000s, the possibility of conducting a fully-3D multiobjective design optimization of transonic bladings using the Navier-Stokes equations and advanced optimization techniques. Those results still represent today a benchmark for optimization studies of gas turbine engineers worldwide”.
AIAA will formally honor and induct the class at the AIAA Associate Fellows Induction Ceremony and Reception, Wednesday, 10 January 2024, at the Hyatt Regency Orlando, Orlando, Florida, during the AIAA hashtag#SciTech hashtag#Forum, 8–12 January.
At @Hit09 we would like to warmly congratulate Prof. Ernesto Benini on this prestigious career achievement and wish him all the best for the exciting challenges he will be a part of in the projects ahead with our team!